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12581 Ervin McGarrah Rd / Lowell, AR 72745 / P: 479.361.8115 / E: info@turnerconsulting.biz







Team Building Programs
  What's My Team Impact
  Creating Team Synergy
  Inter-Team Resolution
  Quick Fun Hits

What’s My Team Impact?
This workshop is designed to supercharge the process of moving a team with clear direction to a more open, honest, and collaborative working relationship.
To build cohesiveness and improve team effectiveness.
Intended For:
Team members at any level of the organization.
Time Required:
8 hours

Authentic teamwork is built upon commitment, trust, and collaboration - qualities that can only be developed with considerable effort over time. Without proper training, work teams will almost certainly be hampered by conflicting goals, inefficient work methods, poor communication, and strained interpersonal relationships. This workshop uses the popular Extended DISC “Team Report” to create a full day of team building training:

Diagnose with the Extended DISC®
Start your workshop by helping groups surface issues and remove blockages to high performance. Completed on-line before the session, the Extended DISC identifies team members’ styles and identifies what values the team is using.

I. Where Are We?
In exercises, your team examines whether it is working as a group or a team. At the heart of teamwork is collaboration. The team identifies each members’ preferences in work habits.

II. Where Are We Going?
By using the Jungle Escape
exercise, your team examines levels of team development and what they can do to improve. The team, through the “arrow analysis” identifies what the team has as its “drivers”, i.e. forces pushing individuals to work in certain ways.

III. What Impact is That Having?
Now that the team has discovered a new level of openness, the teams collaboratively examine the impact that they each have on one another and on other teams in an effort to build better impact. Through “Team Role Analysis” teams also see what roles they successfully fulfill and what roles they fail to do well.

IV. What Do We Need to Do to Improve Our Impact?
Effective teams build trust between members and communicate openly because they appreciate each other. The 360-Share Exercise helps teammates learn to give positive feedback to each other and enhances the feeling of camaraderie.


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